You took the necessary steps to get prepared and stocked up on beneficial supplements? Great!
For the next 3 weeks (or more) follow the diet and you will surely be surprised by the positive effects.
Helpful tips
Base each meal around the animal protein of your choice.
As long as you include animal protein, use any macronutrient ratio that works for you.
Eat two or three meals per day, depending on your preference. Athletes can eat more often.
Eat to satiety.
Don’t worry about weight loss during the opening few weeks.
Typically, this happens anyway as overweight people become healthier.

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Simple cooking tips
Plain beef mince with ‘riced’ vegetables, added fat not required. Salt.
Roast poultry with butternut squash. Plus another suitable veg. Olive oil. Salt.
Cubed fresh meats, fried in suitable oil or animal fat. Plus veg.
Shredded cabbage, stir fry or steamed plus meat or fish & fat.
Roasted meats.
Stir-fried bok choy, with fresh root ginger. Coconut oil.
Roasted fennel with olive oil, salt.
Roasted pork ribs, salt.
Boiled wild rice, fat of your choice. Add a protein. Salt.

Tools to make it easier
Buy organic frozen veg and chives.
Mixed broccoli, cauliflower and carrot is a great choice.
Try ricing to improve flavour and digestibility.
Use an air fryer for quick and easy roasting. They're more economical, heating up in a minute vs 10. (Affiliate link)
Use a mini chopper for ricing. (Affiliate link) Hand powered ones are available cheaply (affiliate link).
Use a multi-layer steamer. (Affiliate link)
Instant Pot—slow cooker, pressure cooker, rice cooker etc. (Affiliate link) (no pressure or slow cooking in the first 2 weeks)
What to expect
Start feeling better, but expect symptoms
Week 01
What happens in the body? A few sentences highlighting what people are accomplishing.. .inflammation stops
Your gut flora will change rapidly in the first few days.
Potential side effects and preventative measures
As mentioned, you may experience a Herxheimer reaction (die-off) from a rapidly changing gut flora in the first few days. This can present as a cold that mysteriously vanishes after a few hours, muscle aches and pains or a worsening of your existing symptoms. Typically whatever the symptoms, they should subside within a day or two, especially if you’re supplementing as recommended.
For Meniere’s Disease sufferers, attacks can be triggered during this stage; be ready for them. Read about my own experience. The single best way to feel better is to go to the loo. This is why I’ve included psyllium in the list of recommended supplements. Using magnesium as an occasional laxative is fine during these opening few weeks. If you’re still feeling unwell, try Epsom Salt baths and or an infrared sauna for a good sweat.
Week 02
Main benefits to be highlighted
What happens in the body? A few sentences highlighting what people are accomplishing.. .inflammation stops
Potential side effects
Some people start to experience symptoms in the second week. This is often a sign of oxalate dumping, the process in which the body releases stored oxalates rapidly, often after a sudden reduction in dietary oxalate intake. As the body tries to eliminate the excess oxalates, it can lead to various symptoms, including joint pain, muscle aches, urinary issues, and skin problems.
This process can last for days or weeks and is completely subjective. It can be tough and demoralising. The supplements are designed to help.
Find Your Triggers is designed to be low in oxalates but not devoid of them, which makes the oxalate dumping issue less acute.
How to make this stage easier
Drink more water — adding a tiny pinch of salt into each glass of water you drink to improve hydration and prevent hyponatremia is important. More about this.
Drink fresh lime or lemon juice with plain or fizzy water. Citric acid binds to oxalates in the gut and carries them out via stool.
Take a mineral citrate powder including calcium citrate, magnesium citrate, or potassium citrate. These citrates bind to oxalates in the gut.
Take one capsule (50 mg) with each meal.
B6 helps reduce the endogenous production of oxalates in the liver and their conversion into glycine, an important amino acid.
One study has used 5mg per KG of body weight for 18 months safely.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Feeling lost?
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Week 03
You have most likely removed certain food triggers from your diet and can now feel the benefits of reduced systemic inflammation.
You now feel the benefits of reduced inflammation.
Hopefully, by this time, you’ll be experiencing improvements and are through the symptoms that can crop up in weeks one and two.
Depending on your progress, it may be worth keeping things as they are for another week or more if you are yet to feel better. If you are feeling better, remember this is only the start. Any return to a triggering diet will see an instant return of your symptoms.